Note where four or fewer parking spaces are provided on a site a sign identifying the accessible space which must be van accessible is not required.
Accessible parking sign detail.
Accessible parking space van accessible parking spaces 502 1 502 5 at least one space for every 6 or fraction of 6 accessible spaces must be van accessible.
Handicapped parking sign detail 3.
Accessible parking spaces must be identified by signs that include the international symbol of accessibility.
Handicapped parking sign detail 2 has cad.
Signs identifying van parking spaces shall contain additional language or an additional sign with the designation van accessible signs shall be 60 inches 5 feet minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign.
Vertical clearance of 98 inches minimum to accommodate van height at the vehicle parking space the adjacent access aisle and on the vehicular route to and from the van accessible space.
If the accessible route is located in front of the space install.
Signs at van accessible spaces must include the additional phrase van accessible signs should be mounted so that the lower edge of the sign is at least five 5 feet above the ground.
Signs located within an accessible route shall be a.
Van spaces provide an additional 3 feet of width to accommodate vehicles equipped with ramps or lifts.